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FITTER ecosystem

The FITTER-EU project aims to address inequalities and promote a fair twin transition in Europe through innovative methods. It involves creating a FITTER ecosystem with a digital platform and predictive decision support system. 

This ecosystem helps policymakers anticipate and mitigate the adverse effects of transition policies on vulnerable social groups by simulating different scenarios, providing mitigation measures as well as best practices to minimize their negative impacts.

 The project involves key stakeholders like policymakers, civil society organizations, and business representatives to ensure broad engagement and support.

The project
Senhora com pasta na mão

The FITTER-EU project aims to address inequalities and promote a fair twin transition in Europe through innovative methods. 

It involves creating a FITTER ecosystem with a digital platform and predictive decision support system. 

This ecosystem helps policymakers anticipate and mitigate the adverse effects of transition policies on vulnerable social groups by simulating different scenarios, providing mitigation measures as well as best practices to minimize their negative impacts.

 The project involves key stakeholders like policymakers, civil society organizations, and business representatives to ensure broad engagement and support.

The FITTER-EU project

The FITTER-EU project aims to address inequalities and promote a fair twin transition in Europe through innovative methods. 

It involves creating a FITTER ecosystem with a digital platform and predictive decision support system. 

This ecosystem helps policymakers anticipate and mitigate the adverse effects of transition policies on vulnerable social groups by simulating different scenarios, providing mitigation measures as well as best practices to minimize their negative impacts. 

The project involves key stakeholders like policymakers, civil society organizations, and business representatives to ensure broad engagement and support.

FITTER ecosystem
FITTER-EU project

The FITTER-EU project aims to address inequalities and promote a fair twin transition in Europe through innovative methods. 

It involves creating a FITTER ecosystem with a digital platform and predictive decision support system. 

This ecosystem helps policymakers anticipate and mitigate the adverse effects of transition policies on vulnerable social groups by simulating different scenarios, providing mitigation measures as well as best practices to minimize their negative impacts. 

The project involves key stakeholders like policymakers, civil society organizations, and business representatives to ensure broad engagement and support.


This ecosystem helps policymakers anticipate and mitigate the adverse effects of transition policies on vulnerable social groups by simulating different scenarios, providing mitigation measures as well as best practices to minimize their negative impacts. 

The project involves key stakeholders like policymakers, civil society organizations, and business representatives to ensure broad engagement and support.

Key stakeholders

The FITTER-EU project aims to address inequalities and promote a fair twin transition in Europe through innovative methods. 

It involves creating a FITTER ecosystem with a digital platform and predictive decision support system.

The FITTER-EU project
The project
FITTER ecosystem

It involves creating a FITTER ecosystem with a digital platform and predictive decision support system. 

This ecosystem helps policymakers anticipate and mitigate the adverse effects of transition policies on vulnerable social groups by simulating different scenarios, providing mitigation measures as well as best practices to minimize their negative impacts. 

The project involves key stakeholders like policymakers, civil society organizations, and business representatives to ensure broad engagement and support.


The FITTER-EU project aims to address inequalities and promote a fair twin transition in Europe through innovative methods. 

It involves creating a FITTER ecosystem with a digital platform and predictive decision support system. 


This ecosystem helps policymakers anticipate and mitigate the adverse effects of transition policies on vulnerable social groups by simulating different scenarios, providing mitigation measures as well as best practices to minimize their negative impacts. 

The project involves key stakeholders like policymakers, civil society organizations, and business representatives to ensure broad engagement and support.

It involves creating a FITTER ecosystem with a digital platform and predictive decision support system. 

This ecosystem helps policymakers anticipate and mitigate the adverse effects of transition policies on vulnerable social groups by simulating different scenarios, providing mitigation measures as well as best practices to minimize their negative impacts. 

The project involves key stakeholders like policymakers, civil society organizations, and business representatives to ensure broad engagement and support.

The FITTER-EU project aims to address inequalities and promote a fair twin transition in Europe through innovative methods. 

It involves creating a FITTER ecosystem with a digital platform and predictive decision support system. 

This ecosystem helps policymakers anticipate and mitigate the adverse effects of transition policies on vulnerable social groups by simulating different scenarios, providing mitigation measures as well as best practices to minimize their negative impacts. 

The project involves key stakeholders like policymakers, civil society organizations, and business representatives to ensure broad engagement and support.

The FITTER-EU project
The FITTER-EU project
Dama en la biblioteca

The FITTER-EU project aims to address inequalities and promote a fair twin transition in Europe through innovative methods. 

It involves creating a FITTER ecosystem with a digital platform and predictive decision support system. 

This ecosystem helps policymakers anticipate and mitigate the adverse effects of transition policies on vulnerable social groups by simulating different scenarios, providing mitigation measures as well as best practices to minimize their negative impacts.

 The project involves key stakeholders like policymakers, civil society organizations, and business representatives to ensure broad engagement and support.

Senhora com pasta na mão

The FITTER-EU project aims to address inequalities and promote a fair twin transition in Europe through innovative methods. 

It involves creating a FITTER ecosystem with a digital platform and predictive decision support system. 

This ecosystem helps policymakers anticipate and mitigate the adverse effects of transition policies on vulnerable social groups by simulating different scenarios, providing mitigation measures as well as best practices to minimize their negative impacts.

 The project involves key stakeholders like policymakers, civil society organizations, and business representatives to ensure broad engagement and support.

Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias (UNINOVA)

UNINOVA is a research institute working closely to industry to ensure proper technology transfer to business. UNINOVA comprises various centres of excellence, including the Centre of Technology and Systems (CTS). UNINOVA-CTS is responsible for the dissemination, communication, and exploitation of the FITTER Project

Technological University Dublin
Technological University Dublin

TU Dublin was established in January 2019, with the merging of three former Institutes of Technology in Dublin city. A leader in STEM disciplines, TU Dublin’s distinguished researchers and innovators are pioneers in science and technology discovery; play active roles in informing policy and standards; and contribute to the creative life of Ireland. The university’s award-winning technology transfer and business incubation activity have delivered over 400 new sustainable businesses with an economic value of almost €700 million. With an international outlook, TU Dublin welcomes students and staff from around the world while its strong international partnerships provide opportunities for student and staff exchange programmes, major cross-collaboration research projects, and employment opportunities.

AITEC Asesores Internacionales, SRL (AITEC)
AITEC Asesores Internacionales, SRL (AITEC)

AITEC is a Spanish SME providing technology oriented to research and innovation through AI based solutions. AITEC is the WP5 leader in FITTER with the aim at making actionable all the knowledge acquired in the project through a highly interactive and comprehensive FITTER Digital Platform..

Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF) e.V
Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF) e.V.

Women Engage for Common Future (WECF) is a non-profit international network committed to a gender-just and healthy planet for all. As an ecofeminist organisation, WECF pursues a comprehensive approach to sustainable development, climate action, energy transition and a toxic-free environment, with a focus on diversity and equality. WECF is involved in the development of the FITTER methodological approach and the mapping of vulnerabilities as well as responsible for the German case study.

Smart Venice srl
Smart Venice srl

Smart Venice is an independent consultancy, research and capacity building unit specialized in supporting participatory change processes for more gender equal, inclusive and sustainable societies, organizations and cities. As part of FITTER-EU, Smart Venice is responsible for designing the stakeholder engagement action plans and coordinating the co-creation activities of the FITTER labs.

Székely Family & Co. Nonprofit Ltd
Székely Family & Co. Nonprofit Ltd. (SFC)

Székely Family & Co. Nonprofit Ltd. is a fully privately-owned company working as a startup studio, actively present at the forefront of European research and innovation with the Horizon Europe programme. We are dedicated to bringing innovations to the market focusing on the space, the security and the sustainability industries. Besides, our company has strong IT skills in visualization from VR development to satellite image processing. In addition to reliable coordination, management and business development expertise, SFC also has technical capabilities used in projects, namely: creating datasets, performing landscape mapping (data collection, data cleaning, structuring, creating datasets in different data formats), game and visualisation tool development in VR, deployment of various AI algorithms for decision support, data analysis and conversational assistance, deployment and use of online community platforms, performing risk and quality management and ISO9001 and ISO41001 audits.The team is also experienced as Dissemination Officer, Quality Manager, Data Protection Officer, Project Security Officer, WP and task leader; also has certified Scrum Masters / Scrum Product Owners.


Eurecat is the main Research & Technology Organisation in Catalonia and the second largest private research organization in southern Europe. It brings together the experience of more than 750 professionals who generate an annual turnover of 62 million euros and provides services to more than 2,000 companies.  Eurecat integrates advanced digital capabilities and experience in biotechnology, industry and sustainability and collaborates with industry in R+D+I activities and projects, offering advanced scientific and technological services and specialized knowledge to respond effectively to the technological needs of very different business sectors, accelerating innovation, reducing both risks and spendings on scientific and technological infrastructures.  The technology center participates in more than 200 large national and international consortium projects of high strategic R&I, has 200 patents and 10 spin-offs.

Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini S.r.l
Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini S.r.l. SB

FGB is a network of change-makers. Our mission is to create real social impact and positive socio-economic progress across nations and cities.

Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Complutense University of Madrid, UCM)
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Complutense University of Madrid, UCM)

Founded in 1499, Complutense University of Madrid it is the largest university in Spain, hosting over 85.000 students. UCM encompasses 26 Schools spanning various disciplines, 40 research institutes, 18 specialized research centers, and 14 clinics and hospitals, providing a fertile environment for 575 research groups. UCM’s main contribution to the project is related to the mapping of vulnerabilities under the national baseline scenarios.

TFC Research and Innovation Limited (TFC)
TFC Research and Innovation Limited (TFC)

TFC is an engaged scientific research organisation, based in Dublin and highly engaged in European research across multiple domains including Operational Security, Energy Efficiency, eHealth and Digital and Green Transition. TFC works across each work package in FITTER-EU, supporting in the areas of Project Coordination, Clustering, Better Practice Guide development and Outreach amongst other tasks.

The FITTER-EU project
The project
Pessoas em frente ao portátil
The project

The FITTER-EU project aims to address inequalities and promote a fair twin transition in Europe through innovative methods. 

It involves creating a FITTER ecosystem with a digital platform and predictive decision support system. 

This ecosystem helps policymakers anticipate and mitigate the adverse effects of transition policies on vulnerable social groups by simulating different scenarios, providing mitigation measures as well as best practices to minimize their negative impacts. 

The project involves key stakeholders like policymakers, civil society organizations, and business representatives to ensure broad engagement and support.

Portátil e um caderno
The FITTER-EU project

The FITTER-EU project aims to address inequalities and promote a fair twin transition in Europe through innovative methods. 

It involves creating a FITTER ecosystem with a digital platform and predictive decision support system. 

This ecosystem helps policymakers anticipate and mitigate the adverse effects of transition policies on vulnerable social groups by simulating different scenarios, providing mitigation measures as well as best practices to minimize their negative impacts. 

The project involves key stakeholders like policymakers, civil society organizations, and business representatives to ensure broad engagement and support.

Portátil e um caderno
The FITTER-EU project

The FITTER-EU project aims to address inequalities and promote a fair twin transition in Europe through innovative methods. 

It involves creating a FITTER ecosystem with a digital platform and predictive decision support system. 

This ecosystem helps policymakers anticipate and mitigate the adverse effects of transition policies on vulnerable social groups by simulating different scenarios, providing mitigation measures as well as best practices to minimize their negative impacts. 

The project involves key stakeholders like policymakers, civil society organizations, and business representatives to ensure broad engagement and support.

Professora a escrever no quadro

The FITTER-EU project aims to address inequalities and promote a fair twin transition in Europe through innovative methods. 

It involves creating a FITTER ecosystem with a digital platform and predictive decision support system. 

This ecosystem helps policymakers anticipate and mitigate the adverse effects of transition policies on vulnerable social groups by simulating different scenarios, providing mitigation measures as well as best practices to minimize their negative impacts. 

The project involves key stakeholders like policymakers, civil society organizations, and business representatives to ensure broad engagement and support.

Love to Learn
FITTER ecosystem

The FITTER-EU project aims to address inequalities and promote a fair twin transition in Europe through innovative methods. 

It involves creating a FITTER ecosystem with a digital platform and predictive decision support system. 

This ecosystem helps policymakers anticipate and mitigate the adverse effects of transition policies on vulnerable social groups by simulating different scenarios, providing mitigation measures as well as best practices to minimize their negative impacts. 

The project involves key stakeholders like policymakers, civil society organizations, and business representatives to ensure broad engagement and support.