Research information for informed consent (STAKEHOLDER DATABASE)

FITTER-EU: Fair and inclusive twin transitions for a stronger social Europe
  1. Introduction 

    FITTER-EU is a project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe Framework Programme (grant agreement No 101132546). By signing up to the FITTER-EU Stakeholder Database, you may be contacted by researchers as part of the project, inviting you to participate in the project’s stakeholder engagement activities. 
    Before you decide whether or not to sign up, it is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what it will involve. Please take time to read the following information carefully.

  2. Who is responsible for the research project?

    All the project partners are from EU Member states. The FITTER-EU project is co-ordinated by TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY DUBLIN (TU Dublin) (Ireland). The consortium is additionally composed of:
    SMART VENICE SRL (SV) (Italy); 

  3. Purpose of the research 

    FITTER-EU aims to contribute to existing research on the origins, dynamics and determinants of inequalities and enable anticipatory governance to support a fair and inclusive twin transition in Europe. The project innovates by the formulation and development of an ecosystem that will enable policymakers to predict which social groups may be at risk of being adversely affected by twin transition policies under different scenarios, with the option to simulate the implementation of these policies to assess inequalities and social exclusion risks.
    To achieve its objectives, FITTER-EU is collecting both quantitative and qualitative data on inequalities that may be reinforced, widened, or newly created as a result of twin transition policies (i.e., Green + Digital). 

  4. Participation in the project and right to withdraw

    Your entry of personal data into the Stakeholder Database is entirely voluntary. You may withdraw your consent and opt out at any time, and you may do so without any explanation and with no consequences for your relation to your institution or to FITTER-EU project partners. You have the right to retract the data you have provided (or remove portions of them) at any time, including your personal data. If you wish to exercise your right to withdraw, you can contact the project coordinator, with no need to explain why you want to withdraw. Some activities we currently have planned are:

  5. Procedure

    By signing up to the FITTER-EU Stakeholder Database, you may be contacted by researchers as part of the project, inviting you to participate in the project’s stakeholder engagement activities. These activities could include workshops, focus groups, interviews, surveys, hackathons, as well as other events and activities. Signing up to the Stakeholder Database does not guarantee that you will be contacted to take part in project activities. If you are contacted and invited to an activity, you will be free to decide whether to participate or not. 

  6. Data protection

    All activities carried out in the FITTER-EU project comply with General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679. All personal data collected will be kept secure and no personal data will be kept for longer than necessary for the purposes for which they were collected. Personal data which are no longer required for the purposes of the project will be deleted at the end of the project, at the very latest.

  7. Anonymity and confidentiality

    The information gathered through the form will be kept in the strictest confidentiality and will be safely stored. Team members from the consortium partners only will have access to the data. Your personal data will be kept confidential and will not be disclosed to any other individual or third parties. 
    The results of any activities you choose to participate in will be disseminated for scientific purposes, in compliance with the ethical standards of the scientific community. Reports or any scientific outcomes related to this project will not contain any personal information and you will not be identified or identifiable. 

  8. Possible risks, disadvantages or discomfort

    Your participation in this research does not present any physical or psychological risks, risk of disadvantages, and does not intend any discomfort. Should you feel distressed at any point during project activities, please inform consortium members immediately and feel free to interrupt your participation and withdraw and/or ask for cancellation of your contact/data.

  9. Project Results

    We will keep you informed about the results of the study. These will be reported to the European Commission, as well as in research articles and on digital platforms. Data will only be made publicly available when it is possible to protect the privacy and anonymity of individuals. Some research results and news items will be posted on the project website (

  10. Questions and claims

    If you have any questions about the research or if you would like to make a complaint on how you have been treated during your participation in this project, please contact the FITTER-EU Ethics Manager or the Project Coordinator (contacts below).

  11. Organization and Research Funding

    FITTER-EU has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101132546.

  12. Ethical Review Project

    The project has passed the ethics review process set by the European Commission. 

  13. Contact for more information 

    Project coordinator: Sara Clavero,  
    FITTER-EU Ethics Manager: