Privacy and cookies policy

Privacy and cookies policy

- Privacy and Cookie Policy


1. FITTER-EU, is committed to protecting the security and privacy of those who access its website In this context, we have drafted this Privacy and Cookies Policy ("Policy") to affirm our commitment and respect for privacy rules and personal data protection.

2. This Policy regulates the processing of personal data of website users ("Users") collected in the scope of their use by FITTER-EU.

3. Providing personal data implies acknowledgment of the policy described on this page.


II - About Us

1. References in this Privacy Policy to FITTER-EU, "we," or "our" mean FITTER-EU, hereinafter referred to as FITTER-EU, a project aims to address inequalities and promote a fair twin transition in Europe through innovative methods, headquartered at FITTER-EU address, FITTER-EU VAT number, hereinafter referred to as FITTER-EU. The Company determines the purposes and means of processing data, as described below, and is considered the data controller under the General Data Protection Regulation and other applicable legislation on personal data protection.


III - Collection and Processing of Personal Data


1.  Currently, accessing and using the website does not necessarily require the provision of personal data by Users, except when interaction with the website requires it. In such cases, any consent provided will comply with the legal requirements in effect at the time of consent.


IV - Your Rights


1. Under applicable law, Users may request at any time access to their personal data, as well as its rectification, erasure, or limitation of processing, or the portability of their data – subject to legally established conditions – by sending a written request to  FITTER-EU at the email address email.

2. Users may also obtain confirmation that their personal data is being processed and, upon request, receive a copy of the data undergoing processing.

3. Users are also granted the right, through the aforementioned means, to withdraw consent for the processing of data based on this legal basis, without prejudice to any processing carried out before that date based on previously given consent.

4. To exercise any of the above rights, Users should submit a written request to the following contacts:




V - Retention of your Personal Data


  1. Users' personal data will be retained only for the period necessary for the purposes for which it was collected unless another retention period is required by applicable law. 
  2. Under what circumstances is data shared with other entities?

FITTER-EU may transmit Users' personal data: 

a) By resorting to other entities to provide certain services, to the extent that such provision of services may involve these entities' access to Users' personal data. Thus, any subcontracted entity of FITTER-EU will process Users' personal data on behalf of and on the instructions of FITTER-EU, in strict compliance with the agreement entered into with said subcontracted entities; 

b) To any company in which FITTER-EU holds (directly or indirectly) an interest in its share capital, for the previously defined purposes; 

c) To entities with which FITTER-EU has established agreements or commercial partnerships, for the previously defined purposes; 

d) To third-party entities when such data communications are deemed necessary or appropriate 

     (i) in light of applicable law, 

    (ii) to comply with legal obligations/court orders, 

    (iii) with decisions or resolutions of supervisory authorities, or 

    (iv) to respond to requests from public or governmental authorities. In any of the situations mentioned above, FITTER-EU will take all appropriate measures to ensure the effective protection of the transmitted personal data.


VI - Security measures


  1. FITTER-EU makes its best efforts to protect Users' personal data against unauthorized access. To this end, it employs security systems, rules, and other procedures to ensure the protection of personal data and prevent unauthorized access, improper use, disclosure, loss, or destruction. 
  2. However, it is the responsibility of Users to ensure that the devices and equipment used to access the website are adequately protected against harmful software, computer viruses, and worms.


VII - Cookies


  1. Cookies" are small text files that identify each User's computer on FITTER-EU's server. Cookies do not identify individual users, only the computer used. 
  2. This website uses cookies to help determine the website's usefulness, interest, and number of accesses, enabling faster and more efficient navigation and eliminating the need to repeatedly enter the same information. In this way, FITTER-EU can provide more personalized services tailored to Users. 
  3. The cookies used on this website are as follows:
  • _ga,_gid - Performance - These cookies are associated with the use of Google Universal Analytics. They are used to distinguish users by assigning a randomly generated number to each user of the website. These cookies are included in each page request and are used to collect data about users' navigation through the website. The collected innovation is then handled through theplatform Google Analytics. Duration: _ga - 2 years  _gid - 24 hours

  • has_js - Functionality -  This cookie is used to identify whether the browser hassupport Javascript. Duration: When navigation ends.

  • _gat - Performance - This cookie is also associated with the use of Google Universal Analytics and is used to limit the volume of data collected on websites high traffic. Duration: 10 minutes

  • cookie-agreed - Functionality - This cookie indicates whether or not the user has given consent to the use of cookies. Duration: 100 days.


4. Most current browsers allow Users to accept, reject, or delete cookies, including by selecting the appropriate settings in their browser's "options" or "preferences" menu. To learn more about cookies, including how to view which cookies were created and how to manage and delete them, Users can visit, which includes information on how to manage user settings for various browser providers. 

5. Not sure which web browser you're using? To check, open your web browser and select "Help" at the top of the browser window. Then select "About." A pop-up window with information about your browser should appear. Open your web browser and select the name of the browser at the top of the screen (e.g., "Firefox"). Then select "About." A pop-up window with information about your browser should appear.

Note, however, that disabling cookies may partially or completely affect the User's browsing experience on the website..


VIII - Links to Third-Party Websites


  1. The links on this website may lead to other websites. FITTER-EU does not assume responsibility, endorse, or in any way support or subscribe to the content of these websites or the websites linked to them. 
  2. FITTER-EU is not responsible for any damages resulting from viruses that may infect the User's computer or network or other assets due to access to FITTER-EU's website with content transfer from this website to the User's computer or network. 
  3. This Policy applies solely to the information collected on FITTER-EU's website. To learn how Users' data may be processed in the context of any other websites accessed through this website, Users should consult the respective privacy policies.


IX -Complaints


1. Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedies, Users have the right to submit a complaint to the National Data Protection Commission or other competent supervisory authority under the law if they believe that the processing of their data by FITTER-EU violates the applicable legal framework at any given time.


X - Contacts


  1. Users may contact FITTER-EU regarding all issues related to the processing of their personal data and the exercise of their rights conferred by applicable law, especially those mentioned in this Policy, through the following contacts: 






XI - Changes to the Privacy and Cookie Policy


  1. FITTER-EU reserves the right to amend these terms regarding the handling of personal data at any time. Such changes will be duly advertised on the website. However, whenever significant changes are made regarding cookies that may affect the User, a pop-up window will reappear so that, depending on the type of cookie involved, you can access the information and/or give consent for its use and storage. 

    Last updated: 23rd April 2024
