workshop on energy poverty & vulnerability
Javali Event
On February 25th, an online workshop with experts from Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Portugal, italy and Spain took place, focusing on the intersectional impact of energy poverty on vulnerability.
Javali Event
A reunião de arranque de todo o consórcio FITTER teve lugar nos dias 6 e 7 de fevereiro. Durante a reunião, foram apresentadas as atividades planeadas nos diferentes Pacotes de Trabalho. O primeiro dia foi principalmente dedicado a questões organizacionais, enquanto no segundo dia foram apresentadas e discutidas as atividades planeadas nos diferentes Pacotes de Trabalho. Entre os temas abordados estiveram: o quadro conceptual e a metodologia, a avaliação de risco das desigualdades, o desenvolvimento da plataforma FITTER, bem como as atividades de validação e disseminação futuras. O assessor do projeto da Comissão Europeia também participou na reunião e forneceu um conjunto de conselhos valiosos a serem considerados ao longo do projeto. A próxima grande reunião do consórcio está prevista para o final de junho ou início de julho.
Javali Event
O projeto FITTER está ativamente envolvido na Conferência Internacional sobre Engenharia, Tecnologia e Inovação que decorrerá entre os dias 24 e 28 de Junho na Madeira, tanto como apoiador quanto como apresentador. O artigo intitulado “Sustentabilidade Inclusiva: Estratégias para Soluções Digitais Sustentáveis na Transição Verde e Digital para Comunidades Vulneráveis” foi apresentado por João Sarraipa. O artigo introduziu o conceito do projeto FITTER, seus objetivos, etapas planeadas, bem como uma análise dos desafios recentes relacionados com a transição verde e digital. O aspecto da inclusividade foi o ponto central da discussão, uma vez que a transição pode agravar problemas sociais, criando tensões na sociedade. Neste contexto, a sustentabilidade inclusiva torna-se um fator significativo para o sucesso da transição. A conferência proporcionou uma boa oportunidade para discutir questões relacionadas com o projeto dentro da comunidade profissional.
Elevate Your Innovation with EU Projects
Javali Event
Na semana passada, Laura Armayones da Eurecat e o projeto FITTER-EU apresentaram-se no evento “Potencie a Sua Inovação com Projetos da UE”, organizado pela Mobile World Capital Foundation. Este evento reuniu vários stakeholders importantes do ecossistema de inovação e humanidades digitais, que apresentaram as suas organizações e principais projetos para explorar possíveis sinergias. Laura apresentou a abordagem baseada em cenários que o FITTER-EU irá utilizar para estudar os impactos da transição verde e digital em vários setores-chave e grupos vulneráveis.
Leaflet with instructions to join the community
Javali Event
O processo de Envolvimento das Partes Interessadas do FITTER-EU
Francisco Enrique Santarremigia, PhD. , Aditya Kapoor, Mehdi Zarehparast Malekzadeh, Ashwani Kumar Malviya , Gemma Dolores Molero, PhD. AITEC
A sustentabilidade inclusiva para as comunidades desfavorecidas no contexto da transformação digital dupla exige uma abordagem holística que considere desigualdades socioeconómicas, sensibilidades culturais e barreiras no acesso. Ao envolver ativamente os grupos marginalizados na conceção, implementação e governança das iniciativas dos gêmeos digitais, os intervenientes podem promover o empoderamento, a resiliência e a coesão social. As estratégias para a sustentabilidade inclusiva devem ultrapassar a divisão digital, melhorar a literacia digital e promover processos decisórios participativos, enquanto enfrentam as desigualdades sistémicas e promovem a justiça social. Ao priorizar as necessidades e as vozes das comunidades desfavorecidas e adotar os princípios da sustentabilidade, as sociedades podem usar as tecnologias dos gêmeos digitais para criar um futuro mais resiliente, justo e sustentável para todos.
Javali Event
A FITTER konzorcium teljes indító találkozója február 6-7-én zajlott. A találkozón bemutatták a különböző munkacsomagokban tervezett tevékenységeket. Az első nap főként szervezeti kérdésekkel foglalkozott, míg a második napon a különböző munkacsomagokban tervezett tevékenységeket mutatták be és vitatták meg. A tárgyalt témák között szerepelt: a fogalmi keret és módszertan, a társadalmi egyenlőtlenségek kockázatának értékelése, a FITTER platform fejlesztése, valamint a közelgő validációs és terjesztési tevékenységek. Az Európai Bizottság projekt-tanácsadója is részt vett a találkozón, és értékes tanácsokat adott, amelyeket figyelembe kell venni a projekt folyamán. A következő nagy konzorciumi találkozót június végére vagy július elejére tervezik.
Javali Event
A FITTER projekt aktívan részt vesz az „Engineering, Technology and Innovation” nemzetközi konferencián, amely 2024. június 24. és 28. között kerül megrendezésre Madeirán, mint támogató és előadó. A „Fenntartható Digitalizáció: Stratégiák a Fenntartható Digitális Megoldásokhoz a Kettős Átmenetben a Sebezhető Közösségek Számára” című cikket João Sarraipa mutatta be. A cikk bemutatta a FITTER projekt fogalmát, céljait, tervezett lépéseit, valamint a zöld és digitális átmenettel kapcsolatos legújabb kihívások elemzését. A befogadás szempontja volt a fő beszédtéma, mivel a kettős átmenet felerősítheti a társadalmi problémákat, amelyek feszültségeket okoznak a társadalomban. Ebben az összefüggésben a fenntartható fejlődés inkluzivitása kulcsfontosságú tényezővé válik a kettős átmenet sikerében. A konferencia jó lehetőséget biztosított arra, hogy a projekt kapcsolódó kérdéseit megvitassák a szakmai közösséggel.
Elevate Your Innovation with EU Projects
Javali Event
Múlt héten Laura Armayones, az Eurecat képviseletében és a FITTER-EU projekt bemutatója az „Emeld Innovációdat az EU Projektek Segítségével” rendezvényen vett részt, melyet a Mobile World Capital Foundation szervezett. Ez az esemény számos fontos szereplőt vonzott az innovációs és digitális humán tudományok ökoszisztémájából, akik bemutatták szervezeteiket és fő projektjeiket, hogy feltárják az együttműködési lehetőségeket. Laura bemutatta azt a szcenárió alapú megközelítést, amelyet a FITTER-EU alkalmazni fog a zöld és digitális átmenet különböző kulcsfontosságú szektorokra és sebezhető csoportokra gyakorolt hatásainak tanulmányozására.
Leaflet with instructions to join the community
Javali Event
A FITTER-EU Érdekeltek Bevonásának Hivatalos Elindítása
Javali Event
Das Kick-off-Meeting des gesamten FITTER Konsortiums fand am 6. und 7. Februar 2024 statt. Während des Treffens wurden die Aktivitäten in den verschiedenen Arbeitspaketen vorgestellt. Der erste Tag war hauptsächlich organisatorischen Fragen gewidmet, während am zweiten Tag die geplanten Aktivitäten in den verschiedenen Arbeitspaketen präsentiert und diskutiert wurden. Zu den behandelten Themen gehörten: das konzeptionelle Rahmenwerk und die Methodik, die Risikobewertung von Ungleichheiten, die Entwicklung der FITTER-Plattform sowie bevorstehende Validierungs- und Verbreitungsaktivitäten. Der Projektberater der Europäischen Kommission nahm ebenfalls an der Sitzung teil und gab eine Reihe wertvoller Ratschläge, die im Verlauf des Projekts berücksichtigt werden sollten. Das nächste große Konsortialtreffen ist für Ende Juni oder Anfang Juli geplant.
Javali Event
Das FITTER Projekt ist aktiv in die Internationale Konferenz über Ingenieurwesen, Technologie und Innovation eingebunden, die vom 24. bis 28. Juni auf Madeira stattfindet, sowohl als Unterstützer als auch als Präsentator. Der Artikel mit dem Titel „Inklusive Nachhaltigkeit: Strategien für nachhaltige digitale Lösungen in der grünen und digitalen Transformation für strukturell marginalisierte Gemeinschaften“ wurde von Joao Sarraipa vorgestellt. Der Artikel führte das Konzept des FITTER Projekts ein, seine Ziele, geplante Schritte sowie eine Analyse der jüngsten Herausforderungen im Zusammenhang mit der grünen und digitalen Transformation. Der Aspekt der Inklusivität stand im Mittelpunkt der Diskussion, da die Transformation soziale Probleme verschärfen könnte, die Spannungen in der Gesellschaft verursachen. In diesem Zusammenhang wird inklusive Nachhaltigkeit zu einem wichtigen Faktor für den Erfolg der Transformation. Die Konferenz bot eine gute Gelegenheit, projektbezogene Themen innerhalb der professionellen Gemeinschaft zu diskutieren.
Elevate Your Innovation with EU Projects
Javali Event
Letzte Woche präsentierte Laura Armayones von Eurecat das FITTER-EU Projekt auf der Veranstaltung „Steigern Sie Ihre Innovation mit EU-Projekten“, die von der Mobile World Capital Foundation organisiert wurde. Diese Veranstaltung brachte zahlreiche wichtige Akteur*innen aus dem Innovations- und Digital-Humanities-Ökosystem zusammen, die ihre Organisationen und großen Projekte vorstellten, um mögliche Synergien zu erkunden. Laura stellte den szenariobasierten Ansatz vor, den FITTER-EU verwenden wird, um die Auswirkungen der grünen und digitalen Transformation auf verschiedene Schlüsselsektoren und strukturell marginalisierte Gruppen zu untersuchen.
Leaflet with instructions to join the community
Javali Event
Start des FITTER-EU Stakeholder-Engagement-Prozesses
Francisco Enrique Santarremigia, PhD. , Aditya Kapoor, Mehdi Zarehparast Malekzadeh, Ashwani Kumar Malviya , Gemma Dolores Molero, PhD. AITEC
Inklusive Nachhaltigkeit für benachteiligte Gemeinschaften im Kontext der digitalen doppelten Transformation erfordert einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz, der sozioökonomische Ungleichheiten, kulturelle Sensibilitäten und Barrieren im Bereich der Zugänglichkeit berücksichtigt. Durch die aktive Einbeziehung strukturell marginalisierter sozialer Gruppen in die Gestaltung, Umsetzung und Governance von digitalen Zwillingsinitiativen können Akteur*innen Selbstbefähigung, Resilienz und sozialen Zusammenhalt fördern. Strategien für inklusive Nachhaltigkeit müssen die digitale Kluft überbrücken, die digitale Befähigung verbessern und partizipative Entscheidungsprozesse fördern, während gleichzeitig systemische Ungleichheiten angegangen und soziale Gerechtigkeit gefördert werden. Indem die Bedürfnisse und Stimmen strukturell benachteiligter Gemeinschaften priorisiert und die Prinzipien der Nachhaltigkeit angenommen werden, können Gesellschaften digitale Zwillingstechnologien nutzen, um eine widerstandsfähigere, gerechtere und nachhaltigere Zukunft für alle zu schaffen.
Javali Event
La reunión de lanzamiento de todo el consorcio FITTER tuvo lugar el 6 y 7 de febrero. Durante la reunión, se presentaron las actividades previstas en los diferentes paquetes de trabajo. El primer día se dedicó principalmente a cuestiones organizativas, mientras que el segundo día se presentaron y discutieron las actividades previstas en los distintos paquetes de trabajo. Entre los temas tratados se encuentran: el marco conceptual y la metodología, la evaluación de riesgos de desigualdades, el desarrollo de la plataforma FITTER, así como las próximas actividades de validación y difusión. El asesor del proyecto de la Comisión Europea también asistió a la reunión y proporcionó una serie de valiosos consejos que se deben tener en cuenta a lo largo del proyecto. La próxima gran reunión del consorcio está prevista para finales de junio o principios de julio.
Javali Event
El proyecto FITTER está activamente involucrado en la Conferencia Internacional sobre Ingeniería, Tecnología e Innovación que se llevará a cabo entre el 24 y el 28 de junio en Madeira, tanto como patrocinador como presentador. El artículo titulado "Sostenibilidad inclusiva: Estrategias para soluciones digitales sostenibles en la transición verde y digital para comunidades vulnerables" fue presentado por Joao Sarraipa. El artículo introdujo el concepto del proyecto FITTER, sus objetivos, los pasos previstos, así como un análisis de los desafíos recientes relacionados con la transición verde y digital. El aspecto de la inclusividad fue el punto central de la discusión, ya que la transición podría agudizar los problemas sociales, causando tensiones en la sociedad. En este sentido, la sostenibilidad inclusiva se convierte en un factor significativo para el éxito de la transición. La conferencia ofreció una buena oportunidad para discutir los problemas relacionados con el proyecto dentro de la comunidad profesional.
Elevate Your Innovation with EU Projects
Javali Event
La semana pasada, Laura Armayones de Eurecat y el proyecto FITTER-EU participaron en el evento "Eleva tu innovación con proyectos de la UE", organizado por la Fundación Mobile World Capital. Este evento reunió a numerosos actores clave del ecosistema de innovación y humanidades digitales, que presentaron sus organizaciones y principales proyectos para explorar sinergias potenciales. Laura presentó el enfoque basado en escenarios que FITTER-EU utilizará para estudiar los impactos de la transición verde y digital en varios sectores clave y grupos vulnerables.
Leaflet with instructions to join the community
Javali Event
El proceso de participación de los interesados de FITTER-EU
Francisco Enrique Santarremigia, PhD. , Aditya Kapoor, Mehdi Zarehparast Malekzadeh, Ashwani Kumar Malviya , Gemma Dolores Molero, PhD. AITEC
La sostenibilidad inclusiva para las comunidades vulnerables en el contexto de la transición gemela digital requiere un enfoque holístico que considere las disparidades socioeconómicas, las sensibilidades culturales y las barreras de accesibilidad. Al involucrar activamente a los grupos sociales marginados en el diseño, implementación y gobernanza de iniciativas gemelas digitales, las partes interesadas pueden fomentar el empoderamiento, la resiliencia y la cohesión social. Las estrategias de sostenibilidad inclusiva deben cerrar la brecha digital, mejorar la alfabetización digital y promover procesos de toma de decisiones participativos, mientras abordan las desigualdades sistémicas y promueven la justicia social. Al priorizar las necesidades y voces de las comunidades vulnerables y adoptar principios de sostenibilidad, las sociedades pueden aprovechar las tecnologías digitales gemelas para crear un futuro más resiliente, equitativo y sostenible para todos.
Leaflet with instructions to join the community
Javali Event
Il processo di coinvolgimento degli stakeholder del FITTER-EU
Javali Event
Il “kick-off meeting” dell'intero consorzio FITTER si è svolto il 6 e 7 febbraio. Durante l'incontro sono state presentate le attività pianificate all'interno dei vari Work Package. La prima giornata è stata principalmente dedicata agli aspetti organizzativi, mentre il secondo giorno sono state presentate e discusse le attività previste nei diversi Work Package. Tra i temi trattati: il quadro concettuale e la metodologia, la valutazione del rischio di disuguaglianze, lo sviluppo della piattaforma FITTER, nonché le prossime attività di validazione e diffusione. L'advisor del progetto della Commissione Europea ha partecipato all'incontro, fornendo una serie di consigli utili da prendere in considerazione durante il corso del progetto. Il prossimo grande incontro del consorzio è previsto per la fine di giugno o l'inizio di luglio.
Javali Event
Il progetto FITTER è attivamente coinvolto nella Conferenza Internazionale su Ingegneria, Tecnologia e Innovazione che si terrà dal 24 al 28 giugno a Madeira, sia come sostenitore che come presentatore. L'articolo intitolato “Sostenibilità inclusiva: strategie per soluzioni digitali sostenibili nella transizione verde e digitale per le comunità vulnerabili” è stato presentato da Joao Sarraipa. L'articolo ha introdotto il concetto del progetto FITTER, i suoi obiettivi, i passaggi previsti, oltre ad un'analisi delle sfide recenti legate alla transizione verde e digitale. L'aspetto dell'inclusività è stato il punto centrale della discussione, poiché la transizione potrebbe accentuare le problematiche sociali, causando tensioni nella società. In questo contesto, la sostenibilità inclusiva diventa un fattore significativo per il successo della transizione. La conferenza ha offerto una buona occasione per discutere le problematiche legate al progetto all'interno della comunità professionale.
Elevate Your Innovation with EU Projects
Javali Event
La scorsa settimana Laura Armayones di Eurecat e il progetto FITTER-EU hanno partecipato all'evento "Elevate Your Innovation with EU Projects", organizzato dalla Mobile World Capital Foundation. Questo evento ha riunito numerosi attori chiave dell'ecosistema dell'innovazione e delle scienze umane digitali, che hanno presentato le loro organizzazioni e i progetti principali per esplorare potenziali sinergie. Laura ha introdotto l'approccio basato sugli scenari che FITTER-EU utilizzerà per studiare gli impatti della transizione verde e digitale su vari settori chiave e gruppi vulnerabili.
La sostenibilità inclusiva per le comunità vulnerabili nel contesto della doppia transizione verde e digitale richiede un approccio olistico che consideri le disparità socio-economiche, le sensibilità culturali e le barriere di accesso. Coinvolgendo attivamente i gruppi sociali emarginati nella progettazione, implementazione e governance delle iniziative di doppia transizione verde e digitale, gli stakeholder possono promuovere l'empowerment, la resilienza e la coesione sociale. Le strategie per una sostenibilità inclusiva devono colmare il divario digitale, migliorare l'alfabetizzazione digitale e promuovere processi decisionali partecipativi, affrontando al contempo le disuguaglianze sistemiche e favorendo la giustizia sociale. Dando priorità ai bisogni e alle voci delle comunità vulnerabili e adottando principi di sostenibilità, le società possono sfruttare le tecnologie digitali per creare un futuro più resiliente, equo e sostenibile per tutti.
Francisco Enrique Santarremigia, PhD. , Aditya Kapoor, Mehdi Zarehparast Malekzadeh, Ashwani Kumar Malviya , Gemma Dolores Molero, PhD. AITEC
1st edition of FITTER Newsletter
Javali Event
This is the first edition of FITTER Newsletter.
Leaflet with instructions to join the community
Javali Event
We are excited to announce the official start of the FITTER-EU Stakeholders Engagement process!
If you have expertise in transport, energy, housing, or food and agriculture—or represent structurally vulnerable groups—this is your chance to shape Europe’s fair and inclusive green and
digital transition.
FITTER-EU is calling on experts, researchers, policymakers, civil society, trade unions, and
employers’ organizations in Ireland, Italy, Spain, Germany, Hungary, and Portugal, as well as
transnational EU-level experts. By joining this diverse community, you’ll contribute to workshops,
interviews, and roundtable discussions that will contribute driving future-focused governance
strategies for enhancing a fair and equitable future in Europe.
Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals and activists and help
shape the future. Join us today and be part of the solution!
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Research information for informed consent (STAKEHOLDER DATABASE)
Elevate Your Innovation with EU Projects
Javali Event
Last week Laura Armayones from Eurecat and the FITTER-EU project presented at the "Elevate Your Innovation with EU Projects" event, organized by the Mobile World Capital Foundation. This event gathered numerous key stakeholders from the innovation and digital humanities ecosystem, who showcased their organizations and major projects to explore potential synergies. Laura introduced the scenario-based approach that FITTER-EU will employ to study the impacts of the twin transition on various key sectors and vulnerable groups.
Javali Event
FITTER project is actively involved in the International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation that is taking place between 24 and 28 of June in Madeira, both as supporter and presenter. The article entitled “Inclusive Sustainability: Strategies for Sustainable Digital Solutions in the Twin Transition for Vulnerable Communities” was presented by Joao Sarraipa. The article introduced the concept of FITTER project, its goals, planned steps, as well as analysis of recent challenges related to the twin transition. The aspect of inclusiveness has been the central point of discussion, as the twin transition might sharpen the social issues causing tensions in the society. In this regard, inclusive sustainability becomes a significant factor in the success of twin transition. The conference provided a good chance to discuss the project-related issues within the professional community.
Javali Event
The Kick-off meeting of the whole FITTER consortium took place on 6th and 7th of February. During the meeting, activities planned within different Work Packages has been presented. First day was mostly devoted to the variety of organisational issues, whereas during the second day planned activities within different Work Packages were presented and discussed. Among the issues addressed were: conceptual framework and methodology, inequalities risk assessment, FITTER platform development, as well as upcoming validation and dissemination activities. The project advisor from the European Commission had also attended the meeting and provided a set of valuable advices to be considered in the course of the project. The next big consortium meeting is planned to be held in the end of June or the beginning of July.
Inclusive sustainability for vulnerable communities in the context of the digital twin transition necessitates a holistic approach that considers socio-economic disparities, cultural sensitivities, and accessibility barriers. By actively involving marginalized social groups in the design, implementation, and governance of digital twin initiatives, stakeholders can foster empowerment, resilience, and social cohesion. Strategies for inclusive sustainability must bridge the digital divide, enhance digital literacy, and promote participatory decision-making processes, while addressing systemic inequalities and promoting social justice. By prioritizing the needs and voices of vulnerable communities and embracing sustainability principles, societies can leverage digital twin technologies to create a more resilient, equitable, and sustainable future for all.
Francisco Enrique Santarremigia, PhD. , Aditya Kapoor, Mehdi Zarehparast Malekzadeh, Ashwani Kumar Malviya , Gemma Dolores Molero, PhD. AITEC
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Información para entidades cooperantes
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Información para entidades cooperantes
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Información para entidades cooperantes
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FITTER Ecosystem
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L'approccio FITTER alla sostenibilità inclusiva
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FITTER Ecosystem
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FITTER Ecosystem
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FITTER Ecosystem
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FITTER Ecosystem
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The FITTER-EU project
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The FITTER-EU project
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Il Progetto FITTER-EU
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The FITTER-EU project
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The FITTER-EU project
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FITTER-EU twin projects
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The FITTER-EU project
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Mettiti in contatto con noi:
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Información para entidades cooperantes
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Información para entidades cooperantes
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Información para entidades cooperantes
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Póngase en contacto con nosotros
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Póngase en contacto con nosotros
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Clone of The FITTER-EU project_ES
The FITTER-EU project
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The FITTER-EU project
Dos estudiantes frente a la computadora
Resultado 8
Dama en la biblioteca

Strategies for Sustainable Digital Solutions to support Vulnerable Communities in the context of the Twin Transition

Strategies for Sustainable Digital Solutions to support Vulnerable Communities in the context of the Twin Transition
Artem Nazarenko, Joao Sarraipa


Inclusive sustainability for vulnerable communities in the context of the twin transition necessitates a holistic approach that considers socio-economic disparities, cultural sensitivities, and accessibility barriers. By actively involving marginalized social groups in the design, implementation, and governance of digital initiatives, stakeholders can foster empowerment, resilience, and social cohesion. Strategies for inclusive sustainability must bridge the digital divide, enhance digital literacy, and promote participatory decision-making processes, while addressing systemic inequalities and promoting social justice. By prioritizing the needs and voices of vulnerable communities and embracing sustainability principles, societies can leverage digital technologies to create a more resilient, equitable, and sustainable future for all.


Relevant Challenges in the context of Twin Transition

Based on the analysis of recent research and European Union’s initiatives, some core challenges accompanying the twin transition process can be allocated [1, 2]:

  • Technical Challenges: These relate to the development, deployment, and integration of digital and green technologies, as well as to the integration of technologies and approaches of different generations. For instance, the building and deployment of new green power facilities should be supported by the distribution infrastructure, as well as digital platforms enabling monitoring and demand-tracking.
  • Policy and Regulatory Challenges: These contain supportive rules and guidelines that incentivize sustainable practices and digital transformation. In other words, there is a need for the development and implementation of appropriate policies that will create conditions for companies and citizens to participate more actively in the twin transition process.
  • Social Challenges: The twin transition needs to be inclusive and equitable. This presumes minimization of social disparities and inequalities, ensuring a fair access to technologies and infrastructure for different social groups, and mitigating negative impacts caused by labor market transformations.
  • Economic Challenges: These include the needed costs for the transition, to ensure competitiveness on a national and international scale. Furthermore, investment initiatives should aim at striking a balance between the aspiration for short-term investments and long-time period sustainability targets.
  • Environmental Challenges: These are mainly focused on mitigating environmental impacts, selling sustainability, and making sure that the transition contributes to the renovation and recuperation of our planet.

Solutions to Foster the Twin Transition

There are some vivid examples of solutions that can be used to foster the twin transition process. The first example, encompassing an important area of digital literacy training, is to foster digital literacy by both technological measures (e.g. digital platforms offering courses addressing digital literacy), and curricular measures (e.g. developing new courses including those that discuss the importance of digital technologies and their role in twin transition). A vivid illustration of the mentioned example is the YachaY initiative [3], which enables the establishment of a personalized curriculum adapted to the personal and industrial learning needs about new technologies in the context of twin transition, providing students with personalized, inclusive and flexible education. A second example is the digitalization of some services offered by public authorities – e.g., a digital citizen office, where a person can create an account, and login using a kind of “digital pass”. The extension of the digitalization of government services can be beneficial, for instance, to vulnerable foreigners / refugees, as the process of getting an appointment at the foreign office can often be challenging given that digital appointment bookings are not always available and in non-English speaking countries the applicants and employees often don’t speak English.

A third example includes a wide range of collaborative services that can be offered by digital platforms to foster the development of local communities. In small rural communities, there are often a significant number of small or medium farms, which require machines for agricultural activities like harvesting, which in many cases are non-affordable. In this regard, an important mission of the twin transition is to support small and medium farms with technologies and machines. One potential solution, could be digital platforms that offer sharing or short rent of agricultural machines. Moreover, such a platform could enable networking – for instance, if one farmer has machine X but needs a machine Y for a short time, and another farmer possesses machine Y and needs machine X for a short period of time. Another potential digital solution can provide information about local markets selling the local products, contributing both to the local community prosperity and to conscious consumption.

Some technologies like Blockchain can provide extended capabilities to already existing solutions. For instance, to reward a user that contributes to a community in a certain way with digital coins. An example could be a reduced energy consumption of a given household compared to the previous year, so that, if the consumption drops over several years the reward can be increased. Another possible example is tree planting, so that for every tree planted, a reward is given. These digital coins can be later spent for some services (sport, culture) such as free visits of the swimming pool or theatre, etc. Blockchain could be also used as a driver for the companies to take a more pro-active position in the twin transition process. This can be accomplished by introducing green ranking systems rewarding companies for actions taken towards the twin transition. An example could be those companies involved in the installation of solar panels or another green energy generating capabilities. 

In rural areas, people tend to have lower incomes and often cannot afford the installation of green energy sources for their houses. In this regard, a collaborative effort from business and policy makers can change the situation. Thus, the company may install the solar panels, whereas getting their expenses partially covered by government, as well as enabling discounts and instalment payments for the end users. At the end, everyone will profit: end users pay less, the company creates a good image and collects ranking points and the environment benefits from less fossil energy usage.


In the context of the ongoing twin transition, social inequalities that might be sharpened by this process should not be ignored. Innovations alone are not enough if only a small group of people and companies will be able to afford these. This might create additional tensions in society, as the living conditions of vulnerable social groups worsened. In this regard, inclusive sustainability becomes a significant factor in the success of the twin transition. Inclusiveness should be supported by different stakeholders including both for-profit organisations and governmental entities. FITTER will analyse the strategies and technological solutions to enable a sustainable path for the twin transition process.


[1]          European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Muench, S., Stoermer, E., Jensen, K. et al., Towards a green & digital future – Key requirements for successful twin transitions in the European Union, Publications Office of the European Union, 2022,

[2]          Bianchini, S., Damioli, G. & Ghisetti, C. The environmental effects of the “twin” green and digital transition in European regions. Environ Resource Econ 84, 877–918 (2023).

