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Elevate Your Innovation with EU Projects
Javali Event
Last week Laura Armayones from Eurecat and the FITTER-EU project presented at the "Elevate Your Innovation with EU Projects" event, organized by the Mobile World Capital Foundation. This event gathered numerous key stakeholders from the innovation and digital humanities ecosystem, who showcased their organizations and major projects to explore potential synergies. Laura introduced the scenario-based approach that FITTER-EU will employ to study the impacts of the twin transition on various key sectors and vulnerable groups.
Javali Event
FITTER project is actively involved in the International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation that is taking place between 24 and 28 of June in Madeira, both as supporter and presenter. The article entitled “Inclusive Sustainability: Strategies for Sustainable Digital Solutions in the Twin Transition for Vulnerable Communities” was presented by Joao Sarraipa. The article introduced the concept of FITTER project, its goals, planned steps, as well as analysis of recent challenges related to the twin transition. The aspect of inclusiveness has been the central point of discussion, as the twin transition might sharpen the social issues causing tensions in the society. In this regard, inclusive sustainability becomes a significant factor in the success of twin transition. The conference provided a good chance to discuss the project-related issues within the professional community.
Javali Event
The Kick-off meeting of the whole FITTER consortium took place on 6th and 7th of February. During the meeting, activities planned within different Work Packages has been presented. First day was mostly devoted to the variety of organisational issues, whereas during the second day planned activities within different Work Packages were presented and discussed. Among the issues addressed were: conceptual framework and methodology, inequalities risk assessment, FITTER platform development, as well as upcoming validation and dissemination activities. The project advisor from the European Commission had also attended the meeting and provided a set of valuable advices to be considered in the course of the project. The next big consortium meeting is planned to be held in the end of June or the beginning of July.
Inclusive sustainability for vulnerable communities in the context of the digital twin transition necessitates a holistic approach that considers socio-economic disparities, cultural sensitivities, and accessibility barriers. By actively involving marginalized social groups in the design, implementation, and governance of digital twin initiatives, stakeholders can foster empowerment, resilience, and social cohesion. Strategies for inclusive sustainability must bridge the digital divide, enhance digital literacy, and promote participatory decision-making processes, while addressing systemic inequalities and promoting social justice. By prioritizing the needs and voices of vulnerable communities and embracing sustainability principles, societies can leverage digital twin technologies to create a more resilient, equitable, and sustainable future for all.
Francisco Enrique Santarremigia, PhD. , Aditya Kapoor, Mehdi Zarehparast Malekzadeh, Ashwani Kumar Malviya , Gemma Dolores Molero, PhD. AITEC
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The FITTER-EU project
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The FITTER-EU project
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FITTER-EU twin projects
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The FITTER-EU project
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The FITTER-EU project
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Towards an equitable future: ensuring social justice in the face of the twin transition hazards and impacts

Towards an equitable future: ensuring social justice in the face of the twin transition hazards and impacts
Laura Armayones, Eurecat

In the face of the twin transition - the simultaneous green and digital transitions - it is crucial to understand how these sweeping changes may cause relevant societal impacts. According to the JRC[1], “green and digital transitions are about profound changes in our way of life”. A core premise of the FITTER project is that the transformations required by the twin transition will not affect different segments of the population in the same way. Instead, the twin transition can result in further inequalities in our societies. This blogpost, delves into the implications of the twin transition for disadvantaged groups (DGs), highlighting the importance of proactive strategies, such as the use of future scenarios methodology, to ensure a just transition and deepening the pursue of social justice.


Main Part

In FITTER, we aim to delve into the dynamics and determinants of Disadvantage Groups. For these purposes, we will assess the vulnerability of disadvantage groups in 3 different key and interconnected dimensions: labour market, financial resources, and skills. 

The main idea behind this is that the twin transition will generate, or further reinforce, inequalities in society. The twin transition’s negative impacts and hazards will vary for individuals depending on their current employment status and sector. For example, those working in sectors expected to be substituted by another one, such as certain energy industries, will face different challenges compared to individuals currently struggling to align their skills with the labour market demand. Generally, those with unstable employment, outdated skills, or limited financial capacity may find it particularly challenging to navigate the changes and new trends induced by the twin transition.


To be more specific, if workers in the mining sector are to lose their jobs due to the twin transition, policymakers should count on foresight tools to help them to take proactive steps and anticipate these impacts. For instance, they could provide financial support to mining workshops joining reskilling programs. Moreover, the anticipatory decision-making ensures that affected individuals avoid the risk of social exclusion.

Future scenario methodology

In the FITTER project, we will be using the future scenario methodology, understood as a strategic planning technique used to make flexible long-term plans. Despite recognising the uncertainty of how the world will be in 30 years, thanks to an in-depth literature review, an online focus group with experts, and a Delphi survey designed to forecast practices in four main sectors of analysis, 3 future scenarios will be defined. The main purpose is to  be able to anticipate potential hazards and negative impacts of the twin transition on different disadvantage groups, considering the vulnerability dimensions and the 4 sectors of analysis (energy, transport, building & housing and food & agriculture), and we can propose effective mitigation strategies.

Anticipating the potential hazards and negative impacts of the twin transition on disadvantaged groups is a challenge. However, the future scenario methodology provides a robust tool for this purpose. Functioning as an inclusive co-creation framework, methodology will be built upon participatory and comprehensive data collection techniques, crucial for our endeavour. Through this approach, the FITTER-EU project aims to contribute to a fair and inclusive twin transition, where nobody is left behind.
